Consequences of Prolonged Weight Loss


You are doing everything as required: you hit the gym 4–5 times a week, count calories, cut out most processed foods, and minimize your sugar intake. However, your most focused effort, those last ten pounds, refuses to leave your body.

Weight loss resistance differs from plateauing. While on their weight-loss journey, most people hit a roadblock at some point, but they ultimately overcome that plateau and continue losing weight.

However, when you consistently stay on, course and weeks or months pass by without the scale (s) budging, this is referred to as weight loss resistance. This article strives to explain why weight loss sometimes eludes your best efforts.

Why is my Body not Letting me Lose Weight?

The human body chooses what to do with every nutrient you eat. If the system is functioning smoothly, the body makes healthy choices, giving you a healthy weight.

However, our systems are susceptible to a lot of sabotage, especially after age 35, and once the body is imbalanced, it becomes nearly impossible to lose excess weight. Most individuals, particularly women, who lose weight, usually gain it back fast–unless they address the root systemic imbalance.

Many factors contribute to weight loss resistance, including food allergies or sensitivities, genetics, over-the-counter and pharmaceutical medications, neurotransmitter imbalances, thyroid disorders, adrenal imbalances, and sex hormone fluctuations in women.

In the most persistent scenarios, a chiropractor or healthcare expert scrutinizes your lab work and perhaps employs an extra test that discloses what disrupts your success. Nonetheless, once the body regains balance, weight loss comes easily.

Does your Body Resist Losing Weight?

As mentioned earlier, various factors can cause weight loss resistance, and some of them are discussed below.


First, let us get the basics right! If you are ingesting all the appropriate foods or drinks ensure, you can rule out the following common culprits;

  • Food intolerances–if your gut reacts to a diet-sensitive to you, like dairy or gluten, this can trigger an inflammation cascade in the body. Inflammation can cause increased fat stores, water retention, and bloating.
  • Calorie restriction–with any diet, calories matter. If you eat too many calories from any meal, your body has to store these calories somewhere, typically as fats. Most diets are calorie-limited. Thus, after meal consumption, your body goes into stress mode, your metabolism slows down, and your cravings increase. This is not a sustainable means of keeping the pounds off.
  • Snacking–snacking between meals subjects the body to constant utilization of sugar stores as energy, thereby hindering its ability to burn fatty acids. Adopting time-restricted eating (8-12 hours) helps your body to burn the energy fat stores.
  • Hidden sugar and carbs–you are probably avoiding sugar, right? But, are you aware that carbohydrates are just long sugars, fruits are sugars, and alcohol is primarily sugar? Do you check the labels of your favorite dressings, ready meals, and sauces for added sugar?
  • Too much consumption of the right things – you may be eating healthy foods but may not realize you are consuming too much of them. Nut butter is nutritious. However, taking in a whole jar will not benefit your weight loss journey.


Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate your weight, metabolism, blood sugar, and appetite. Any imbalance can upset the regulation and make the bodyweight loss resistant.

  • Insulin – (the main hormone that causes weight gain). Insulin is a blood sugar hormone that stores away excess sugar in your fat cells. If you have too much insulin running around in your body, you will become more insulin resistant and store more fat. Insulin resistance, also influenced by adrenal dysfunction, is the primary cause of aging and death in developed and developing countries. Obesity increases chronic inflammation hence increasing your insulin resistance levels. Therefore, your fat, muscle, and liver cells will not respond well to insulin.
  • Cortisol – a stress hormone that gives a response to anything the brain recognizes as a threat. This incorporates your workload, an argument with a partner, homeschooling, kids playing up, and the myriad of other stresses life throws at you. Cortisol, however, stores fat around your body when you are in survival mode for emergency reasons.
  • Thyroid – metabolism regulator which, when optimal, burns plenty of fat. If thyroid hormones are low or medically normal in some instances, your metabolism will slow down, making it difficult or impossible for you to lose weight without starvation. Therefore, you must ensure your hormones are well-balanced.

Gut Health

The more well-versed you are about gut health, the more you get to see the relationship to many health issues. Recent research shows that gut microbiome imbalances can hinder weight loss. With inflammation’s impact on your weight, distinct microbes living in your gut play a key role in considering the number of calories you end up ingesting from food.


Genes are involved in regulating fat metabolism, appetite, and energy expenditure. All these play a key role in weight regulation, predisposing you to easily adding weight. However, you can override your genes by ensuring you eat right, exercise smarter, reduce toxins, sleep well, balance your hormones, and manage stress.

How do I Balance my Hormones to Lose Weight?

Suppose you embrace healthy eating practices, exercise regularly, and watch what you eat but do not get any positive results. In that case, it is time you dig deeper to figure out how you can balance your hormones to fight weight loss resistance. With professional help from our experts at Robinhood Integrative Health (RIH), you can learn how to:

  • Understand your imbalance—when it comes to combating weight loss resistance, knowledge is essential. Work with our healthcare professionals to identify if you have weight loss resistance, the root cause, and how well you can balance it. Also, develop a nutrition and exercise routine unique to your system.
  • Rebalance with herbal support—besides a balanced diet, targeted herbal supplementation can help bring your body back into balance. Red clover, passionflower, and black cohosh are some great herbs suitable for hormonal imbalance. Rhodiola and Siberian ginseng rebalance stress and high cortisol levels, while hops, sage, and bacopa monnieri work well for a sluggish or inactive thyroid.
  • Boost your metabolism—in addition to the popular metabolism boosters such as healthy foods, exercise, and a good night’s sleep, you can support your Cmetabolism with herbs, chromium, and green tea extract.
  • Do not starve yourself—balanced meals and snacks are the only efficient means through which you can stick to a new eating approach. Each meal should encompass some form of healthy fat, fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates.

Can you Lose Fat Without Resistance?

Besides the common imbalances, people, particularly women, frequently suffer from digestive imbalances, inflammation, and issues related to clearing out toxins, thus result in weight loss resistance.

Digestive trouble is often associated with food sensitivities. Your body perceives this as another form of stress, ramps up cortisol, and maintains weight as a protective measure.

An overload of toxins can mimic your hormones and sabotage fat deposition and alter sugar ingestion. Inflation causes weight gain through the loss of insulin control and quick conversion of carbs to belly fat.

Shed Additional Weight—This Time for Good!

If you have been struggling with weight loss, tried out everything, and do not know where to turn to, you are in the right place. RIH can help you get to the root of your hormonal imbalance and provide you with the tools fit to rebalance your body.

Our weight loss resistance package encompasses exclusive herb formulations to beat the common metabolic imbalances, herbal metabolism support, and a delicious, balanced diet.

Additionally, we provide phone support to all our customers to help you get the best out of our products and services. It is high time you get back your health, happiness, and best body!